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    leah49Date: Tuesday, 2013-04-09, 18:46 | Message # 1
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Hufflepuffs
    Messages: 6
    Status: Offline
    I thought I'd start a thread to say hi.  We're all moving here from CoSforums so we should know each other, but there's a chance we don't, so this is a good place to introduce ourselves.

    Thank you for creating the forums that may keep us together after the closure of CoS.
    SpacecadetDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-09, 19:33 | Message # 2
    First Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 12
    Status: Offline
    hi **waves**

    Not sure what to say about myself, but here goes nothing.

    I'm a self proclaimed geek. Potterfanatic (obviously). I love to read especially YA/MG. I love science fiction. I'm a tv/movie aholic. By day I'm a rocket scientist and by night I'm a writer trying to get published. I write MG and YA mostly science fiction and fantasy.

    Some of my favorite book series
    The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
    The Hunger Games
    Ender's Game
    The Mortal Instruments
    The Infernal Devices
    I am Number Four

    Anything else you want to know feel free to ask. smile
    Fawkesfan1Date: Tuesday, 2013-04-09, 19:41 | Message # 3
    Third Year
    Group: Gryffindors
    Messages: 122
    Status: Offline
    Hi  hello

    I'm a proud sci-fi/comic book geek, who likes a good corny joke every now and then and is looking into learning sign language and getting better at writing.

    Some of my favorite books are:

    The Dresden Files series
    Harry Potter
    Great Expectations (it's a long book, but a good one)
    The Far Side (anything by Gary Larson is pretty good)

    If you want to know anything else about me, don't be afraid to ask smile

    FuryDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-09, 23:34 | Message # 4
    First Year
    Group: Hufflepuffs
    Messages: 23
    Status: Offline
    Hi! My name is Vance, I am 29 years old, and I am an aspiring Author and Screenwriter. I've been a Harry Potter fan since around Christmas of 2000 -- so a very long time -- and been writing fan-fiction for it since around 2004. 

    Some of my favorite book series:

    Harry Potter
    Hunger Games
    Eragon - Inheritance Saga
    Vampire Diaries
    FleurduJardinDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-09, 23:59 | Message # 5
    Second Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 88
    Status: Offline
    Anyone who likes The Dresden Files and the Hunger Games is a friend of mine. Or at least has the same tastes. I've read both series twice, cover to cover. smile

    Needless to say, I also read Harry Potter numerous times, both in English and French. Also Lord of the Rings, in the same two languages.

    Any fans of The Princess Bride, Song of Ice and Fire, or the Valdemar series?

    Oops, I realize this should be in the book thread, not the Welcome thread but never mind. I was just following up on the discussion.   biggrin

    SpacecadetDate: Wednesday, 2013-04-10, 12:55 | Message # 6
    First Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 12
    Status: Offline
    Quote (FleurduJardin)
    Any fans of The Princess Bride, Song of Ice and Fire, or the Valdemar series?

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE the princess bride!!! Such a great movie! So quoteable
    FlyingTigerDate: Friday, 2013-04-12, 06:00 | Message # 7
    First Year
    Group: Gryffindors
    Messages: 15
    Status: Offline
    Hi everybody! My name's Bill, and I'm happy to see so many familiar usernames on this new site. hello

    Can you guess my old CoS username? wink

    Any advanced enough technology is undistinguishable from magic - Arthur C. Clarke
    freelantzerDate: Saturday, 2013-04-13, 02:57 | Message # 8
    First Year
    Group: Hufflepuffs
    Messages: 47
    Status: Offline
    No fair changing your username, Bill!

    Message edited by freelantzer - Saturday, 2013-04-13, 02:57
    FleurduJardinDate: Saturday, 2013-04-13, 03:10 | Message # 9
    Second Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 88
    Status: Offline
    Quote (freelantzer)
    No fair changing your username, Bill!
    At least he kept the same quote in his siggie! biggrin

    That's Muggle_Magic, of course. My partner in the nefarious activities that got us banned from CoS - mistakenly using the other's computer to post on CoS one night when we were hanging out in the same place.

    Message edited by FleurduJardin - Saturday, 2013-04-13, 03:11
    Morning_StarDate: Monday, 2013-05-27, 15:58 | Message # 10
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 7
    Status: Offline
    Hello! I am Maren, or Morning_Star from CoS. I don't have a lot to say about myself, except I'm a big Tolkien fan, which is really all you need to know. biggrin I also read a lot of other Fantasy books, and some Science Fiction.

    If you want to make me happy, give me an edition of The Hobbit that I don't have yet, or a chocolate!
    abbyreadsDate: Wednesday, 2013-07-10, 07:18 | Message # 11
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Muggles
    Status: Offline
    Hi, I'm Abby.  I only lurked on CoS, so I would presume you don't know me.  I'm pretty obsessed with Harry Potter, have been for the past 12 or so years.  I write fanfiction, but mainly shipping Katie Bell/Oliver Wood.  I want to be more active in this fandom--it's disappointing to see how it seems the whole system of forums seems to be dying, not just for Potter, but for much of everything.  Anyways, here's hoping!
    JinxDate: Thursday, 2013-07-11, 02:16 | Message # 12
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Muggles
    Messages: 3
    Status: Offline
    Hi guys! I love Harry Potter and I especially love discussing it.
    Fawkesfan1Date: Saturday, 2013-07-13, 21:39 | Message # 13
    Third Year
    Group: Gryffindors
    Messages: 122
    Status: Offline
    Hi and welcome to the forums abbyreads and Jinx!

    DumblydoreDate: Tuesday, 2013-07-16, 21:14 | Message # 14
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Muggles
    Messages: 2
    Status: Offline
    Hi there! My name's Kathleen! I'm a mega-nerd with all things sci-fi, fantasy, Harry Potter, anything really. I've recently come out of a 6 year writer's block with an 8 chapter fanfic that I'm excited to keep working on and yay!

    I'm super sad CoS had to close, but I'm really glad that Arry decided to put this together for us :3 I wasn't super active on CoS for a while, but I'm back into the potter-verse! I lost my way a bit during college~ Oh also, my username was kathleen_hpffl on CoS but I wanted a change and was super excited to see this available!!!!

    Anywho, I'm terrible at describing myself without getting incredibly personal so I'll just stick with this for now c:
    HathorSekhmetDate: Thursday, 2013-07-18, 10:31 | Message # 15
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Muggles
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    Hola! A few of you may remember me as "Marina" from CoSForums, but have since changed my username to something I like better, as I really didn't like that username. Although I used to be frequent on CoS, I eventually drifted away, but since the announcement of CoS's eventual closure, I've been posting again just as one last gasp before the forum goes for good.

    I am obsessed with Ancient Egypt, and I even have a wordpress blog dedicated to the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. I like to create photography, writing stories or plays, and am starting up archery tomorrow, in fact, which should be interesting! I've always wanted to learn archery, so now I finallyl have my chance. clap

    Though like many here, I'll be sad to see CoS go, I'm glad that we have a place to still go to like here. I even already recognise a few members from CoS forums, including FleurduJardin, ArryGrotter, and Fawkesfan1. I'm looking forward to seeing how this forum will work out, especially when we get non CoS-members as well.
    ArryGrotterDate: Thursday, 2013-07-18, 22:49 | Message # 16
    Third Year
    Group: Head of House
    Messages: 192
    Status: Offline
    Marina! *ahem* I mean HathorSekhmet...


    It's been so long! So good to see you here huggles

    Welcome also abbyreads, Kinx and Dumblydore - it's so good to see new faces around here :)
    FleurduJardinDate: Monday, 2013-07-22, 06:36 | Message # 17
    Second Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 88
    Status: Offline
    HathorSekhmet, were you Sethmetlion (not sure of the spelling) at one time on CoS? I remember you, you were one of the very kind members who wrote me when my husband passed away. Welcome to the forum!

    Welcome also to all new members! wave

    Message edited by FleurduJardin - Monday, 2013-07-22, 06:38
    meesha1971Date: Wednesday, 2013-08-14, 00:28 | Message # 18
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Muggles
    Status: Offline
    Hello all.  Finally got some time to check out the forum.  Can't seem to save an avatar, but I'll figure it out eventually.  lol

    FleurduJardinDate: Sunday, 2013-08-25, 06:57 | Message # 19
    Second Year
    Group: Ravenclaws
    Messages: 88
    Status: Offline
    Heya there Meesha!! Welcome! I've been missing you in all the (numerous - LiveJournal, the DarkMark, AV, etc...) sites we're both members of, LOL! lol

    sjcuk13Date: Monday, 2013-08-26, 18:52 | Message # 20
    Second Year
    Group: Slytherins
    Messages: 52
    Status: Offline
    I am sure I have done this before but here it goes.

    I am Stacey I have been sjcuk13 on just about every sight I am a member of including COS. 
     I love most sci-fi/cult tv shows, and since getting my unlimited card (for the cinema) I have been to see almost every movie that is currently out.

    I try to spend time online but I do tend to drift mainly due to my illness, I can be absent for a while.
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