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    Chamber of Secrets Video Game
    MaelodyDate: Wednesday, 2013-04-10, 21:26 | Message # 1
    Second Year
    Group: Slytherins
    Messages: 57
    Status: Offline
    What did you think of it? Did you even get it? What console did you play it on? Did you like how it adapted everything?

    I had this for the Game Cube. I liked it, even though I couldn't play it at night because the snake scared me (just like the movie). The graphics were greatly much better, but it lacked in letting you control where all you wanted to explore and felt like it focused more on the spells than the game to me.
    ArryGrotterDate: Thursday, 2013-04-11, 03:29 | Message # 2
    Third Year
    Group: Head of House
    Messages: 192
    Status: Offline
    I have this on PS1, have played it on PC, and have played part of it on PS2.

    The versions are so different it's hard to analysis as one game.

    The PS1 version was very good at exploration I thought. Lots to find and do.
    xhanax315Date: Sunday, 2013-04-14, 05:10 | Message # 3
    First Year
    Group: Students
    Messages: 26
    Status: Offline
    Again I don't like how the versions are different. I've only played it on PC and I liked how on this one you got to roam around more and replay spell challenges after they were first completed. I also loved the Wizard Card challenge at the end of the game, which took me years to finally find simply because I had kept missing Chocolat Frog cards. And the bean bonus rooms were amazing.
    ArryGrotterDate: Sunday, 2013-04-14, 05:25 | Message # 4
    Third Year
    Group: Head of House
    Messages: 192
    Status: Offline
    Quote (xhanax315)
    And the bean bonus rooms were amazing.
    "The Bean Bonus Room!!!!!" - I always got annoyed when I heard this, but the bean rooms were awesome haha. They were also in the PoA PC game, right?
    xhanax315Date: Sunday, 2013-04-14, 05:47 | Message # 5
    First Year
    Group: Students
    Messages: 26
    Status: Offline
    Yeah they were and they drastically changed, I never had enough time to make it throughout any of the bonus rooms on either game.
    IggyDate: Tuesday, 2013-04-16, 18:34 | Message # 6
    Just Received their Letter
    Group: Students
    Messages: 5
    Status: Offline
    I still have it for my trusty old Gamecube. I did at one point get all the Chocolate Frog cards, which was awesome, although I don't recall much benefit to it. I think DD says something different at the end of the game if you get all the cards or something. But I kinda prefer when he just says that good leadership involves eating a lot of cake.
    He should totally give you cake for getting all the cards.
    I did enjoy all the exploration, but I never got to do the spell challenges again. The entrances would always close permanently for me once I finished them. sad

    As for bosses, I found that the snake wasn't so bad. He just spat green goo that I could dodge and then I killed him with my...sword...laser...beams...(wth?)
    The boss I really hated was Aragog, because you were in an enclosed space with him, he was enormous and very fast, and he'd charge you all the time, especially when the camera angle was awkward and you couldn't see him. :dry:
    Also, it took me forever to sneak past the prefects, but the funny thing was, no matter how many points they took from me, I almost never lost the house cup. Go figure. o_O But still, I dreaded any and all challenges that involved sneaking around, because I knew I'd be repeating the same part forever and mentally mapping out all the prefects' movements.
    Also, funny moment- Game!Snape: "If I catch either of you out at night again, I will definitely deduct house points." Since when was he shy about deducting points? Mellowest. Snape. Ever.
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